
Showing posts from February, 2021

Technical Issue Resolved for Tawakkalna Application (KSA)

RIYADH (February 06, 2021) After 3 days of disruption, finally, users in the Kingdom can access the Tawakkalna application to prove their health status before entering public places. The Tawakkalna management announced on Saturday that the technical issue that restricted access to the application during the past days has been resolved now. "The application is working properly, and users can use it to show their health condition during their visits to Government departments, Shops, and Malls. “Work is also in progress to restore all features, such as COVID-19 Test Booking. Digital identities, Dashboard, and others." Tawakkalna is the official application approved by the Saudi Ministry of Health to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Further, the Tawakkalna management highlighted that under the supervision of a highly qualified Saudi team, the app worked properly and did not encounter any technical issues since its launch on May 11, 2020. The management said that the app'

Saudi Arabia launches Solar Panel Installation Training Courses!

  RIYADH (February 05, 2021) King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (KACARE) has launched training programs to teach the design and installation of small-scale solar panel systems in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It comes after the Energy Ministry said this week that panels that use solar photovoltaic technology to generate power are now available for installation on homes and business premises, and later can be connected to the Kingdom’s grid also. The move is part of the country’s drive for a Greener, more sustainable future as part of its Vision 2030 development program. It represents a major step toward fully utilizing the abundant energy resources in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in an environmentally friendly way. The development of the solar panel training program was overseen by the Saudi Water and Electricity regulatory authority, which has made the necessary technical arrangements to ensure the feasibility of installing such systems in a variety of locations. Four t